Thankful Thursday – 4 More Sleeps To Go…

On Monday, we are going to Center Parcs Winter Wonderland for 5 days.

You will easily spot us. Our family will consist of 1 Mother with sparkly christmas hat, badly singing christmas songs and the top of her voice, swirling and twirling and clapping and whooping. You will see a 6-and-a-half-year-old girl with a matching hat, singing with me, dancing and twirling and touching everything she sees. You will see an Exactly-3-Year-Old, crying because mummy is insisting that he wears his very own sparkly christmas hat, and occasionally falling over as he desperately runs after us, trying to join in Mummy and Big Sister’s craziness. You will see a slightly subdued, embarrassed Father hanging slightly back, asking everyone to calm down and occasionally getting cross with the children for not doing as they are told and, likely also telling his wife off for the same thing.

We really need this break. We need to shake the negative out of this year and get ready for a positive 2013. We are going to sit by the open fire and wrap christmas presents and write out christmas cards, while drinking mulled wine as the children sleep. We are going to drink hot chocolate and eat mince pies, sing Christmas songs and watch christmas films. We are going to ride our bikes through the woodland, swim in the Tropical Paradise Pool and do a 12-Days-of-Christmas Trail. We are going to visit Father Christmas in his Woodland Workshop, have a Christmas Carvery, and maybe I might even fit in a massage or facial.

I am thankful that I booked this at the end of January 2012 to cheer me up after feeling so rotten last christmas due to serious back pain. I am thankful that I am well enough to make this holiday. Despite still struggling to shake a general feeling of unwellness (my blood hurts, how is that even possible?!) at the moment my back feels relatively stable, and although I am aware it can ‘go’ any time, I am enjoying how it is now, and just praying it will last for the holiday.

We might even have snow -how magical would that be?


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